
Safe Children. Strong Families. Supportive Communities.

About Us

Useful Links & Contacts

Kempsey Families is NOT an emergency crisis service.

If you’re at risk, call 000 or for help 24/7, call 1800 65 64 63 (Domestic Violence Hotline). 1800 RESPECT: 1800 737 732

Important Contacts

  • Emergency  000 / Mobile 112
  • NSW Domestic Violence Hotline  1800 656 463
  • National Sexual Assault, D&FV Counselling Service  1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
  • Victims Services  1800 633 063
  • Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Service  1800 686 587
  • The Older Person Legal Service  1800 424 079
  • Centrelink Crisis Payment  132 850
  • Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Hotline  132 111
  • Mental Health Hotline 1300 011 511
  • Mental Health Access Line  1300 369 968
  • DV and Renting (Tenants Advisory Service)  1800 777 722
  • Safe Beds for Pets (RSPCA) 9782 4408
  • Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
  • Family Law Information
  • Domestic Violence NSW
  • Family Violence Law Help 
  • My Health Record
  • Domestic Violence Resource Centre 
  • Link2home 1800 152 152
  • Men’s Referral Service 1300 766 491
  • Aging and Disability Abuse Hotline 1800 628 221
  • Law Access 1300 888 529
  • Homelessness Australia


Domestic Violence Hurts Kids Too!

  • Headspace (12-25)  6588 7300
  • Kids Helpline  1800 551 800
  • Lifeline  13 11 44

Local Contacts

  • Hospital/Health 6561 2600
  • Durri Aboriginal Medical Service   6560 2300
  • MNC Community Legal Centre 6580 2111
  • Domestic Violence Liaison Officer Kempsey Police 6561 6199
  • Women’s DV Court Advocacy 6584 0053
  • Kempsey Neighbourhood Centre for Legal Aid access 6562 8300
  • YP Space (Young People supports) 6563 1230
  • Samaritans Foundation (Homelessness Services) 6562 8411
  • New Horizons 8036 8100
  • Family Connect and Support (Pathfinder’s )1800 327 679
  • Many Rivers Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service 6562 5856
Help US

We need your help

Kempsey Families welcomes your support of our programs and community events.

This extra support enables us to continue providing services to women, children, young people, families, and men who are experiencing domestic violence, parenting challenges or other complex issues impacting their capacity.

We are a deductible gift recipient, with all donations over $2 tax deductible.


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Kempsey Families Inc. acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of all of the lands on which we meet and work. We pay our respects to First Nations peoples and elders past, present and future. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.

flag flag flag

Our Funding

We are funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.


Registered Charity

We are a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC)

How to contact us

Our Main Office Location
21 Verge Street, Kempsey

Phone: (02) 6563 1588


Our Vision

Our vision is for a safe, equitable and inclusive society where children, families and communities are safe, healthy, resilient and connected.