It's OK on the Macleay - Riverside Park Sunday 22nd September 2024

Baylin’s Gift is a community organisation and registered charity started by Hayley Hoskins, after losing her son, Baylin, to suicide in 2016. Baylin’s Gift is committed to educating and supporting young people in the area of mental health and wellbeing within the Macleay Valley. Focusing specifically on depression and anxiety, suicide awareness and various LGBTIQ+ issues, such as gender and sexual identity.
It’s OK on the Macleay was started by Baylin’s Gift in 2017 in response to the national plebiscite of 2016 that asked Australians “Should the law be changed to allow same sex couples to marry?” This plebiscite and the ensuing debate in the Australian Federal Parliament led to the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, a national survey designed to gauge support for legalising same sex marriage in Australia. The survey was held via postal service between 12 September and 07 November 2017.
The government would only change the law if the plebiscite showed there was public support for same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage had been banned in Australia since 2004 when the Howard Government changed the Marriage Act to define marriage as between a man and a woman only.
The “Yes” vote won in all states, with the majority of Australians voting in favour of legalising same-sex marriage.
It’s OK on the Macleay is an annual event that celebrates diversity and fosters LGBTIQ+ inclusion in the Macleay Valley and wider Mid North Coast community.
It’s OK on the Macleay is a family-friendly event, for people of all ages and abilities. A safe place for everyone to enjoy a day of live music, performances, dancing and various fun-filled activities, but with a clear focus on LGBTIQ+ people, in particular LGBTIQ+ youth, their families, friends and allies.
It’s OK on the Macleay is held annually in September, usually at Riverside Park, Kempsey as a joint venture auspice by Kempsey Families inc. with range of local education facilities including TAFE, NSW Health, local support services, Police, Scouts, Airforce cadets, ACON and Kempsey Shire Council.